Saturday, June 27, 2015

What is parkinsons disease

 parkinsons disease - Discovered by James Parkinson and named after him by the French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot during his studies between 1868-1881 of the disease of Parkinson's disease, Parkinson's disease also known as PD is described as a brain disorder not fatal neurodegenerative central nervous system that affects the movement of the body due to a lack of dopamine in the brain.

Whenever we see something we like, a meeting of an addiction, or we are doing something that we love, our brain produces a chemical hormone called dopamine that is created in a particular area of the brain's basal ganglia located in the region of the midbrain and the substance is called nigra. Dopamine is an important chemical or neurotransmitter that helps the movement of the body to be more coordinated and smooth and transmits signals between neurons at the synapse. When 60-80% of the dopamine-producing cells are damaged and stops producing enough dopamine, this causes the imbalance between dopamine and acetylcholine, causing so, the visible symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's disease is also leading the development of Lewy bodies in the nerve cells that cause dementia with Lewy bodies and the obstruction of communication between cells. Parkinson's disease commonly affects older people, the majority of the cases around the age of 50. While Parkinson's disease is not fatal, it is progressive, which means, that gets worse over time.
What is parkinsons disease
What is parkinsons disease

The earliest symptoms of PD are tremor or shaking of the hands while resting and usually begins at the start of a new activity, such as getting up and walking. The real cause of Parkinson's disease so far is unknown, but most experts believe that it may be linked to genetic and environmental factors.

Major visible symptoms of Parkinson's disease:

  • Trembling or shaking of the hands of other members, while in the rest
  • The rigidity and increased tone in the muscle of the body
  • Slowed body movement (bradykinesia)
  • Difficulties in maintaining balance.
There is a cure for Parkinson's disease at this time, but there are several treatments and medications approved by the FDA to help control the symptoms that can help to maintain a good quality of life, such as deep brain Stimulator procedure (DBS), which helps treat variety of deactivation of neurological symptoms, but this treatment is usually used as a last resort When the motor symptoms become too unstable and regular medication is not working. Levodopa and dopamine agonists are drugs that can be taken to relieve the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Levodopa is a drug that the brain turns it into Dopamine and is a drug that has been used for more than 30 years. The problem with levodopa medication is that the body becomes immune to the effects of medication and soon, which can produce symptoms of side effects such as dyskinesia, which is involuntary twisting movement.

You can read another articles like     Parkinson TreatmentParkinsons Causes, Parkinsons MedicationsVascular Parkinsonism

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parkinsons disease dementia

Walking can improve the symptoms of Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease - People with Parkinson's disease between slight and moderate walking regularly for exercise can get improvements in their motor function, mood, fatigue, fitness, and some aspects of thinking skills, concludes a study published in the Online Edition on Wednesday of "Neurology", the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

"The results of our study suggest that walking can provide a secure and easily accessible way to improve the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and quality of life of patients," says the author of the study, Ergun and. Uc, of the University of Iowa and the medical center of Veterans Affairs of Iowa, in the United States.
Walking can improve the symptoms of Parkinson's disease
Walking can improve the symptoms of Parkinson's disease

The study involved 60 people who walks at a moderate intensity sessions wearing heart rate monitors three times a week for 45 minutes per session over six months. Tests to measure their motor function, aerobic capacity, were also les mood, fatigue and memory and cognitive abilities.

The average walking speed was around 2.9 kilometers per hour and the participants were doing exercise to 47 percent of their heart rate reserve, which complies with the definition of moderate intensity aerobic exercise.

The authors found that brisk-walking improves motor function and mood by 15 percent, an improvement of the control of attention/response of 14 percent, a reduction in fatigue of 11 per cent and an increase in fitness and aerobic speed of the March by 7 percent. In motor function test, participants improved by an average of 2.8 points, what is considered a clinically important difference.

«People with Parkinson's disease and mild to moderate dementia have and are able to walk independently without a cane or Walker can continue safely recommended exercise guidelines for healthy adults, including 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity», says Uc, adding that these findings need to be confirmed in a randomized study with a control group.

You can read another articles like     Parkinson TreatmentParkinsons Causes, Parkinsons MedicationsVascular Parkinsonism.                                           

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symptoms of parkinsons disease
symptoms parkinsons

Vascular Parkinsonism - Vascular Parkinsonism Treatment Prognosis

Vascular Parkinsonism - The term Parkinsonism vascular (PV) is one of the most controversial of the Neurology and since its introduction at the beginning of the 20th century (Critchley 1929) has led to an intense debate about his suitability, proliferating the use of alternative terms and by slightly varying the concept to which it referred.
Currently, the vascular Parkinsonism term encompasses a heterogeneous set of clinical syndromes in which the predominant symptom is Parkinsonism (or a similar clinical picture but that it does not meet the necessary criteria: "pseudoparkinsonismo"), with brain ischemic lesions of different types shown by means of neuroimaging, without being suggestive findings of other degenerative causes of parkinsonism.
Vascular Parkinsonism - Vascular Parkinsonism Treatment Prognosis
Vascular Parkinsonism - Vascular Parkinsonism Treatment Prognosis

Although there is no doubt that cerebrovascular disease can play elements of Parkinsonism, the PV concept is not yet clearly defined and both its diagnosis and its clinical spectrum remain even without specifying.


Because of clinical heterogeneity and the absence of a universally accepted diagnostic criteria, it is very difficult to determine accurately the epidemiological disease characteristics, although it is believed that cerebrovascular disease would only be responsible for a small proportion of cases of parkinsonism. Due to the aforementioned problems, the figures are very variable in a few studies to others, but would be located between 2.5 - 12% of all parkinsonisms (EP).
In an epidemiological study conducted in Spain en mayores de 65 AƱos, the vascular cause is estimated to be responsible for 2.5% of the cases (Benito-Leon et al 2003).


Because of that the term PV encompasses different clinical syndromes with different mechanisms physiopathological is very difficult to make general recommendations for treatment.
Treatment with levodopa has shown highly variable response figures in different studies but always very inferior to the response in patients with PD. Patients presenting a deficit presynaptic dopaminergic evidenced by SPECT and corresponding with ischemic lesions in RM, simulating the pathological mechanism of PD, could theoretically have a response to the administration of levodopa (Kalra et al 2010).

You can read another articles like    Parkinson Therapie, Parkinson TreatmentParkinsons Causes
Parkinsons Medications.

vascular parkinsonism
parkinsonism treatment
vascular parkinsonism treatment

Friday, June 26, 2015

Parkinsons Medications - Medications For Parkinson

Parkinsons Medications -  According to the researchers, currently Parkinson's disease only can be controlled. Treatments that are known can alleviate most symptoms, although they do not eliminate the cause. The possibility of control, along with acceptance and adaptation to the disease by the patient, would mean that most of the people who suffer, can bring an independent and active life.

In the early stage of the evolution of Parkinson's drug treatment is not required, but it is necessary to discuss with the specialist nature disorder and the availability of medical treatment to be used when needed.
Parkinsons Medications - Medications For Parkinson
Parkinsons Medications - Medications For Parkinson

A surgical measure is the Thalamotomy, a technique that destroys overactive nerve cells causing the tremors, affecting speech, weakness or numbness. This technique is still under evaluation.

Useful medicines in the treatment of this condition, include Levodopa, whose action is to replace the dopamine deficit decreasing the main features of parkinsonism. This drug softens the effects neuro-psychiatric arising, such as dementia, depression, hallucinations and psychosis, but none has managed to dominate the disease or stop it.

Levodopa is less effective in the tremor and alterations of posture control. With the passage of time, some patients have experienced regressions in the obtained initial improvement. Common adverse effects of this substance are nausea, vomiting, and hypotension (low blood pressure), but they also tend to present cardiac arrhythmias.

Insomnia, confusion, and other changes in behavior may occur a bit later becoming more frequent over time. Mexican doctors have developed an electrical device which allows the decrease of body tremor in Parkinson patients.

Another technique used to suppress tremors of patients with Parkinson's disease, is to electrodes implanted in the brain and whose name is the technique of stimulation deep in the brain, which involves implanting a cable in the area of the thalamus, which acts as a broadcaster of sensory information.

You can read another articles like     Parkinson TreatmentParkinsons Causes, Parkinsons Disease,
Parkinsons Facts.  

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parkinsons treatment

Parkinsons Facts - The Facts Of Parkinson

Parkinsons Facts - These are several facts about parkinson.

1. it is a deadly disease

Today no one dies of Parkinson's, despite being a disease

neurodegenerative which has no cure. The hope life is practically

same as the national average.

2. it is contagious

There is no risk of contagion since it's a degenerative disorder

that occurs in a part of the brain called the central nervous system.
Parkinsons Facts - The Facts Of Parkinson
Parkinsons Facts - The Facts Of Parkinson

3. affects only older people

While most of the 150,000 people who suffer from Parkinson's in

our country and 11,000 in the community of Madrid, are older than 65 years, 2 of

each 10 have less than 50 years.

4. a person who trembles, is a person with Parkinson's disease

Despite being one of the characteristic symptoms, not all people with

Parkinson tremble, and not all people who tremble suffer from Parkinson's, already

for each patient with Parkinson's that trembles, there is 4 which is another type of

tremor, like essential tremor, associated with aging.

5. it is similar to Alzheimer's disease

Despite being incurable neurodegenerative, Alzheimer's disease

It produces memory loss and disorientation, while parkinson. merma

the ability to move.

6. there is nothing that can be

With proper medication and regularly attending therapies of

complementary rehabilitation, a person with Parkinson's disease can slow down the pace

and the intensity of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, thus improving their quality of life.

7. causes dementia

Only a small minority of patients with advanced Parkinson's or any

"Parkinsonism" type will develop this cognitive impairment.

8. people with Parkinson's do not listen

They do not suffer from deafness, just slow in his movements and, therefore, take

more time on talk and respond. This problem, together with the facial blankness

caused by rigidity, they have communication problems.

9. they will end up in a wheelchair

About 20 percent of people with Parkinson's disease come to suffer a

constant degree of engine damage so severe that they need help doing

any activity, dependent on others and passed the greater part of the

time in a Chair or bed.

10. do not have braces

In addition to family support and the immediate environment, associations of

patients provide unconditional support, where meets love, professionalism,

experience and personalization. In addition to offering diverse and innovative therapies

rehabilitation also pose a psychological, educational, social support and

the affected family.

You can read another articles like    Parkinson Therapie, Parkinson TreatmentParkinsons Causes, Parkinsons Disease.

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parkinson dementia

Parkinsons Disease

Parkinsons Disease - Disease or Parkinson sickness, also called paralysis agitans, is a neurodegenerative disorder chronic leading, eventually, to a progressive disability.
It affects both men and women, being the second neurodegenerative disorder most prevalent in Spain after Alzheimer's disease.
It usually appears from 60 years of age with a peak between 70 and 79 years incidence peak, although sometimes, in a 5-10% of cases, also it can be manifested at an early stage in ages below 40 years.
In 1997, the World Health Organization established on 11 April as World Parkinson's day, date of the birth of James Parkinson, British physician who first described the disease in 1817, in order to raise awareness about the problems with the people affected by it.
Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons Disease

Causes of Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease occurs as a result of the destruction of neurons in the substantia nigra of the basal ganglia of the brain, brain area responsible for coordinating movements, muscle tone and posture.
The triggering causes may be multiple and are not yet fully known. Genetic factors, accelerated aging, or some environmental toxins could influence. Between 5-10% of patients with Parkinson's disease have a family history suggesting that genes involved there are.
As the underlying cause is the loss of a few specific neurons in the brain, treatment is mainly based on the administration of neurotransmitter that occur in these neurons, dopamine.

Main symptoms and Parkinsonism

Since the area of the brain affected is responsible for coordinating the movements and muscle tone, the most common symptoms are:

  • Resting tremor. It is the most frequent. Decreases when the patient is engaged in some activity or during sleep.
  • Slow movement (bradykinesia), especially in the movements of precision as fasten buttons or write, but over time becomes a widespread clumsiness.
  • Muscle stiffness.
  • Alteration of body posture and postural instability.
  • Loss of balance, which increases the risk of falls.
  • Gait alterations, especially to make turns.
  • Facial blankness.
  • Reduction of flicker.
  • The bracing walking decreased.
  • Not all symptoms occur in all patients, and the Association of two or more of these symptoms is called parkinsonism.
  • As it is a progressive disorder symptoms gradually worsen over time. Also suffering from the disease, stress and anxiety, may aggravate them.

Other non-motor symptoms associated with Parkinson's disease

  • Reduction of the sense of smell.
  • Difficulty swallowing saliva and drooling.
  • Difficulty in defecation and constipation.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Psychological symptoms: anxiety, depression and low libido.
  • Sleep disorders: insomnia or sleep fragmentation.
  • Sensory symptoms: tingling or pain in a limb.

Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease

The diagnosis of Parkinson's disease clinical base is. There is no evidence of laboratory or radiological study allowing to diagnose the disease.
Complementary tests as analysis of blood, MRI or PET, are used to help rule out other processes since many of the symptoms of Parkinson's can be shared by other pathologies (hypothyroidism, hydrocephalus, cerebral vascular lesions or tumors).
The application of pharmacological therapy with Levodopa (the drug of choice in the treatment of Parkinson's disease), can confirm the disease in a few days if symptoms improve or are clearly corrected after its administration.

You can read another articles like    Parkinson Prevention, Parkinson Therapie, Parkinson TreatmentParkinsons Causes.

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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Parkinsons Disease Symptoms - Symptoms Of Parkinsons Disease

Parkinsons Disease Symptoms - Parkinson's syndrome is a chronic and degenerative disease that affects one of the most important parts of the brain: which controls the motor system. Its symptoms begin to manifest itself with a progressive loss of the ability to coordinate movements and have some specific characteristics that we contemplate here in depth.

It affects one small percentage of the population over 65 years as of the 40-year-old population and if it is your case, or the close person, we want to learn today between all the symptoms of this disease and physical rehabilitation that can help strengthen the hardest muscles of those who suffer from it.
Parkinsons Disease Symptoms - Symptoms Of Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons Disease Symptoms - Symptoms Of Parkinsons Disease

Symptoms of Parkinson's syndrome

  • Tremor: normally begin in the hands. Increases in tense situations or at rest and usually disappear during sleep. It may affect only one side or part of the body.
  • Stiffness or lack of muscular flexibility: muscles tighten and shrink causing weakness and inflexibility.
  • Bradykinesia: loss of spontaneous or automatic movements. It involves the slowness in all actions.
  • Instability of the position: Parkinson's patients may be affected by a tilt (forward or backward) stand that falling is easy. As a result the way walking worsens.
  • Sleep disorders: are characteristic features of the syndrome of Parkinson's sleepiness and nightmares. (Usually these disorders are associated with the drugs, which are very powerful in these specific treatments).
  • Akinesia: total immobility that appears in a sudden manner and which can last from one hour up to few minutes.
  • Treatment of the syndrome of Parkinson & physical rehabilitation

In addition to pharmacological and surgical treatment (very specific in each case), one of the most important aspects of the treatment of Parkinson's disease is to maintain muscle tone and motor functions. It is therefore essential to daily physical activity.

There are certain exercises that help Parkinson's patients maintain the mobility of members and strengthen the muscles that are usually most affected. We learn some:

Exercises for hands: first, to move the wrists by drawing a circle in the air on one side and the other. Then, with elbows by pressing the abdomen and the palms of the hand laid up, open and close your hands.
Exercises for feet: first, rest the soles of the feet on the floor and lifting and lowering ends as quickly as possible. Act followed, with the plants also supported raise your heels and get them hitting the floor with all possible strength.
Exercises for the neck: first, seated and with your back straight and good general posture, move his head forward until it touches the chest and back. Then, turn your head to the right and the left. Perform 10 reps without any hurry, with much calm and feeling every muscle.
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Just think of what your body needs. We will take care of the rest.

You can read another articles like    Parkinson Prevention, Parkinson Therapie, Parkinson Treatment,   Parkinsons Causes.

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symptoms of parkinsons
parkinsonism symptoms

Parkinsons Causes - What Causes Parkinsons Disease

Parkinsons Causes - We know that certain genetic factors and predisposition family to develop this disease, although a recent study published by the journal of the American Medical Association JAMA, indicates that diagnosed after age 50, Parkinson's does not have genetic components and certain environmental factors, they may be cause of this disorder. They suggest that studies related to the heritage linked to the disease, address subjects that have an early manifestation of the ailment.

Multiple pathogenetic hypotheses have emerged. Among the better-informed are involving a toxic, so far unknown factor, and genetic factors.
Parkinsons Causes - What Causes Parkinsons Disease
Parkinsons Causes - What Causes Parkinsons Disease

No matter what the cause last, various processes probably involved in the production of neuronal damage are referred to. Including the formation of free radicals. These are unstable compounds because they lack an electron. In an attempt to replace the electron missing, free radicals react with surrounding molecules (especially metals such as iron), in a process called oxidation. It is considered that oxidation causes damage to tissues, including nerve cells. Normally, antioxidants, chemicals that protect cells from damage, keep under control the damage caused by free radicals. The evidence that oxidative mechanisms can cause or contribute to Parkinson's disease include the finding that patients with the disease have elevated levels of iron in the brain, especially in the gray matter, and decreasing levels of ferritin, which serves as a protective mechanism surrounding or forming a circle around the iron and isolating it.

Other scientists have suggested that Parkinson's disease may occur when an external or internal toxin selectively destroys the dopaminergic neurons. A factor of environmental risks such as exposure to pesticides, or a toxin in the food supply, is an example of the kind of external trigger that could, hypothetically, cause Parkinson's disease. The theory has among its supports the fact that some toxins, such as tetrahidropiridina (MPTP) induce symptoms similar to those of the disease of Parkinson's as well as injury to neurons in the gray matter in humans and animals. However, to date, no research has provided definitive proof that a toxin is the cause of the disease.

A relatively new theory explores the role of genetic factors in the development of Parkinson's disease. A 15 to 25 percent of Parkinson's patients have a close relative who has experienced symptoms of Parkinson's.

After that animal studies showed that MPTP interferes with the functioning of the mitochondria within the nerve cells, researchers were interested in the possibility that the deterioration in the DNA of mitochondria can be the cause of Parkinson's disease. The mitochondria are essential organelles that are found in all animal cells that convert food energy in fuel cells.

Finally, another theory proposes that Parkinson's disease occurs when, for unknown reasons, the wear and tear of normal, age-related dopamine-producing neurons, is accelerated in certain people. This theory is based on the knowledge that the loss of antioxidative protective mechanisms is associated with Parkinson's disease and aging.
Many researchers believe that a combination of these four mechanisms - oxidative damage, environmental toxins, genetic predisposition and accelerated ageing - will finally identify as causes of this disease.

 You can read another articles like    Parkinson Prevention, Parkinson Therapie, Parkinson Treatment.

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Parkinsonism and Related Disorders

Parkinsonism and Related Disorders - It has shown that the phenomena of 'end-of-dose deterioration' are more common in women than in men with Parkinson's disease. Gender differences in response to treatment requires special attention by doctors when it comes to managing the disease.

Nearly half of patients with Parkinson's disease develop motor fluctuations after a period of time in treatment with levodopa (between 4-6 years after onset of treatment). Apparently these fluctuations are caused by the decrease of the response to the medication (regularly called response sub-optimal, i.e. below what we expect).
Parkinsonism and Related Disorders
Parkinsonism and Related Disorders

These motor fluctuations or changes in response to dopaminergic drugs manifested by episodes in which the symptoms of the disease reappear.

In this way, we can define "on" periods where motor function is normal, and "off" periods in which appear the motor symptoms of the disease and hyperkinetic movements may appear involuntary (dyskinesias).

The phenomenon "wearing-off" or 'end-of-dose deterioration', is one in which the symptoms of Parkinson's disease reappear before you receive the next dose of the drug. With this last type of fluctuations the patient becomes dose-dependent and requires an increase in the frequency of the dose with shorter intervals.

This phenomenon "deterioration in end-of-dose"(wearing-off), is very different from one subject to another, and its early detection allows to optimize the treatment.

The reasons why this phenomenon occurs are not fully known. They have been recognized as risk factors: age of onset of symptoms, low body weight, the severity of the disease, the Association of levodopa and Entacapone, a single daily intake of levodopa, the duration of treatment with levodopa and the female gender.

One study evaluated the differences between genders (male/female) and is based on an analysis that was carried out in Italy in 600 people with Parkinson's disease.

In this study, it is revealed that women are more likely to suffer the phenomenon of 'end-of-dose deterioration' in comparison with the men, arriving at a risk of 80 percent of women with Parkinson's disease who suffer it.

Furthermore, women experience this phenomenon in a shorter period of time than men and the progression of the disease, is also slightly faster.

The differences between men and women in relation to the response to treatment has already had shown previously, such is the case of the emergence of i.e., levodopa-induced dyskinesias dyskinesias are more frequent in women when the disease lasts 5 years and with one latency of less than men.

The results of this study as well as providing an explanation of the association with the female gender, would put emphasis on a parameter such as body weight, which in clinical practice usually is overlooked when it comes to therapeutic decisions.

The women reported a poorer quality of life than men, probably because of the 'end-of-dose deterioration' phenomenon since the emergence of motor and non-motor symptoms is correlated with the quality of life.

According to guide them in the treatment of Parkinson's disease symptomatic control of the phenomenon "end-of-dose deterioration" is made by increasing and/or fractionation of levodopa dose or adding other drugs.

Although clinical guidelines for the management of Parkinson's disease does not contemplate a different treatment approach between gƩneros(hombre/mujer), evidence of a different response, suggests the need for more attention in the daily clinical management.


A difference between men and women in the presentation of the phenomenon there may be 'end-of-dose deterioration' in people with Parkinson's disease and this can have implications of treatment below the optimal dose for control of the disease.

This draws attention to the desirability of a treatment approach personalized especially for women with Parkinson's disease who normally are poorly represented in the studies.

 You can read another articles like   Parkinson Disease Treatment Natural Remedies, Parkinson Prevention, Parkinson Therapie, Parkinson Treatment.

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parkinsonism related disorders

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Parkinson Treatment - Treatment For Parkinsons

Parkinson Treatment - The treatment of Parkinson's disease is symptomatic to extend or maintain the quality of life for as long as possible, since none of the available drugs currently serves on the progression of the disease.

Now combine three treatment options: pharmacological, surgical, and rehabilitative.

Pharmacological treatment and medication

As the symptoms of Parkinson's disease are primarily due to a lack of dopamine in the brain, medications used are formulations of dopamine in order to replace it.
Parkinson Treatment - Treatment For Parkinsons
Parkinson Treatment - Treatment For Parkinsons

Levodopa is the drug anti-parkinsonian more effectively today and in lathe to 80% of patients treated with Levodopa expresses a free initial improvement. It may occur along with other drugs to treat different symptoms associated with the disease. Once started the treatment with Levodopa it is essential to continue periodic controls to adjust your dosage and minimize the side effects which usually produces long term.

Surgical treatment of Parkinson's disease

It is mainly indicated for patients who for various reasons, already do not respond to drug treatment.

Deep brain stimulation is presently the surgical treatment most used because it has been shown that it provides a great improvement in the quality of life by reducing the symptoms associated with the disease. It also allows to reduce the medication, minimizing the side effects of anti-parkinsonian drugs.

Deep brain stimulation and brain pacemaker

Surgically placed an electrode in a specific area of the brain (the subthalamic nucleus) to block the activity of this causing the typical symptoms of Parkinson's brain structure with electrical impulses.

The surgery is performed under local anesthesia with a small hole in the skull through which is placed the electric Stimulator at the exact point of the brain previously selected with neuroimaging techniques. A few days later, and already under general anesthesia, passed beneath the skin of the neck connecting cables between the electrodes placed on the head and a pacemaker of stimulation, which is usually inserted under the collarbone.

It is a reversible intervention in the event of side effects occur or if the result was not expected and the risks are those relating to brain surgery.

Once the "brain pacemaker" implanted electrical stimulation parameters have to be adjusted individually, so it must be strict to find the optimal values of stimulation in each patient follow-up.

The key to surgical success is in relation to the correct selection of the candidate, the exact placement of the electrode in the brain and on achieving a perfect stimulation.


There is another alternative therapy indicated for patients who, for some specific reason, not possible to implant a stimulator. This technique is called subthalamotomy and is in practice a termolesion controlled motor symptoms causing subthalamic nucleus area. In contrast to deep brain stimulation this technique is not reversible and its adverse effects may be permanent.

Rehabilitation treatment and physical therapy in Parkinson's

Rehabilitation treatment is aimed at treating specific disease dysfunction to foster the greatest degree of personal independence as possible:

  • Facilitate the monitoring and coordination of movements.
  • Treat disorders of posture and balance.
  • Maintain an adequate mobility to articulate.
  • Act on cognitive impairment and conduct.
 You can read another articles like  Parkinson Diagnostic, Parkinson Disease Treatment Natural Remedies, Parkinson Prevention, Parkinson Therapie.

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parkinsons disease

Parkinson Therapie - Therapie For Parkinson

Parkinson Therapie - Parkinson's disease usually appears between 60 and 70 years and is a progressive, chronic disease so the patient will see diminished, with the passage of time, many of its powers. There is a gradual loss of motor, cognitive and communicative abilities, which vary much from one patient to another.

So disease is conditioned by the phase in which, fluctuates throughout the day, and problems that are presented to the patient are depending on the restrictions of both physical and social environment, medication, his motivation against the disease, if you have fatigue, depression, feeling of coldness or other cognitive and motor disorders.
Parkinson Therapie - Therapie For Parkinson
Parkinson Therapie - Therapie For Parkinson

These limitations are reflected in the daily life activities: in own caring for the person (for dressing, washing, eating, bathing and grooming), in daily activities inside and outside the House (housework, shopping...), as well as at work and during leisure time, with implications for the quality of life of those affected and their families.

Occupational therapy is a discipline healthcare holistic whose task is to facilitate and give the person develop their occupational life opportunity (to do with the available time: activities of daily living, work, leisure...) with maximum autonomy and satisfaction according to its objectives, motivations personal and to the demands of the environment.

The occupational therapist who works with Parkinson's patients should focus on facilitating the implementation of the important tasks of every day and deal with problems that interfere with them. It is therefore, reduce or compensate for cognitive, perceptual or motor deficiencies so that the patient reaches the highest degree possible functionality and autonomy; In short, support the patient and help that continue doing their usual day-to-day activities in the personal, occupational, and recreational field as long as possible and with the maximum autonomy that allows its pathology, to improve and maintain their quality of life.

Professional helps them change and adapt its form to interact with objects and the environment that surrounds them, provides them with skills that will help you manage more easily and offers techniques to improve their social integration.

To achieve these objectives, is first performed an initial assessment to estimate the degree of involvement and adequate treatment in different areas that the patient you want to program.

Once collected all the necessary information, develop an intervention plan individualized to the person, by setting goals and selecting activities according to the needs and characteristics of each affected, with emphasis not only on deficits, but also in the potential of each person.

You can read another articles like Parkinson Definition, Parkinson Diagnostic, Parkinson Disease Treatment Natural Remedies, Parkinson Prevention.


Parkinson Prevention - How To Prevent Parkinson

Parkinson Prevention - In recent years many studies have been conducted in order to identify exogenous factors that may modify the risk of developing this disease. Through studies, retrospective case-control study has tried linked regular consumption of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and certain vitamins with a lower risk of Parkinson's disease but the results of these studies are contradictory and is not possible at the moment to infer that the consumption of these drugs reduce the risk of Parkinson. The strongest Association is currently the highest incidence of the disease among non-smokers: a relationship in alteration in levels of dopamine caused by tobacco and a decrease in the risk of contracting Parkinson's, but the mechanisms of such a relationship are not yet certain.
Parkinson Prevention - How To Prevent Parkinson
Parkinson Prevention - How To Prevent Parkinson

Some studies suggest a link between dairy consumption and Parkinson's disease.

You can read another articles like Parkinson Definition, Parkinson Diagnostic, Parkinson Disease Treatment Natural Remedies

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parkinsons prevention

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Parkinson Disease Treatment Natural Remedies

Parkinson Disease Treatment Natural Remedies - These are some of the best natural remedies for parkinson.

Natural Remedies For Parkinsons

Eat avocado and wheat germ, since they are rich in vitamin E which helps to protect the cells of the brain.
Wash and disinfect 1 mango, 2 oranges 1 lemon. Then, squeeze the oranges and lemon, pour into a blender and add the peeled mango. Blend until all the ingredients are well incorporated, serving and drinking freshly made. Citrus like Orange and lemon are a good source of vitamin C which act as an antioxidant that protects the brain from wear.
Place two tablespoons of Valerian in a cup of water and boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool. Take a glass during the day which helps alleviate depression.
Parkinson Disease Treatment Natural Remedies
Parkinson Disease Treatment Natural Remedies

Try acupuncture to control tremors and relieve stiffness and depression.
Heat 2 cups of water, as soon as you release the boil add 1 tablespoon of Ginko biloba, lower the heat and simmer 10 minutes over very low heat. Strain and add 1 evening primrose oil, stir well and take immediately. This infusion once a day take ginkgo biloba improves brain irrigation and also because it is an antioxidant, fights against the free radicals responsible for the deterioration of cells.
Eating fatty fish due to the omega-3 containing. These help to reduce tremors caused by this disease.
Add seeds to the diet provides vitamins, minerals and substances that contribute to improve the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, among them are the pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and flax seeds.
Group B vitamins are also very beneficial for Parkinson's, especially vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) which is found in large quantities in the egg yolk.
Include in the daily diet abundant fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and nuts.
Banana, garlic, onion, oats, chickpeas, lentil, soybean, seed, egg, chocolate and dairy influence beneficially in the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, it is considered that more than half of the people with Parkinson's have low serotonin production.
Some studies report that in the form of supplements and under medical control taken carnitine improves the effects of Parkinson's, this substance is part of the body and is an amino acid that serves various functions as for example to transport fatty acids into the cells.
Omega 3 nutritional supplements or foods containing these fatty acids for health have beneficial effects in people with Parkinson's, Omega 3-rich foods are sardines, tuna, salmon and fish oil.
Recent research found that people with Parkinson's have low levels of Coenzyme Q 10, to be supplied in the form of supplement would enhance the effects of the disorder.
Some plants Act improving the depression that often accompanies Parkinson's, the most effective are St. John's Wort and Melissa.
Some herbs and supplements can interact with medications indicated by the doctor, it is not recommended to start treatments on their own without first consulting it with the appropriate health care professional.
We reiterate that at present there is no cure for Parkinson's, natural remedies will not solve the problem but the dietary changes tend to produce a great improvement and to slow down the progression of the disorder, which can be seen gradually to the cells of the brain begin to feed and oxygenate in the best form.

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Parkinson Diagnostic

Parkinson Diagnostic - The EP, which is purely clinical diagnosis (there are no biological markers), can take a great complexity. This difficulty in diagnosis is current to appear in the early stages of the disease, when the symptoms presented by the patient can be attributed to other disorders. A direct consequence of this fact is the development of misdiagnosis.
Parkinson Diagnostic
Parkinson Diagnostic

No test laboratory or radiological study allowing to diagnose the disease, but it is frequent that made blood analysis in order to rule out other possible disorders, such as hypothyroidism (like EP, implies a slowdown in movements), hepatic dysfunction or autoimmune diseases. On the other hand, brain imaging techniques, such as magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography and single photon emission tomography, are effective when it comes to exclude other conditions that trigger symptoms similar to the EP, such as a stroke or a brain tumor.
It is usual that the optional questions the patient with those which attempt to elucidate if it consumed some sort of narcotic drug or if you have been exposed to viruses or environmental toxins, to determine if a specific factor could have been the cause of a parkinsonism. Object of observation is the muscular activity of the patient for a period of time, because with the progression of the disease specific motor disorders become more evident, so the context of symptoms is very characteristic, and to confirm the diagnosis is made a TAC which usually typical lesions in the midbrain.

It must take into account that osteoporosis can cause muscle attitudes similar to Parkinson's disease. From there that the examination of the osteotendinous reflexes, greatly exaggerated the Parkinson's, is essential to the diagnosis.

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Parkinson Definition - What Is Parkinsonism Definition

Parkinson Definition - Parkinson's disease is a disorder that affects the nerve cells, or neurons, in a part of the brain that controls muscle movements. In Parkinson's disease, nerve cells that produce a chemical called dopamine die or do not work properly. Normally, dopamine sends signals that help coordinate their movements. No one knows the origin of the damage of these cells. The symptoms of Parkinson's disease may include:
  • Tremor in the hands, arms, legs, jaw and face
  • Stiffness in the arms, legs and trunk
  • Slowness of movements
  • Balance and coordination problems
  • As symptoms worsen, people with the disease may have difficulties walking or doing simple tasks. They may also have problems such as depression, sleep disorders and difficulties to chew, swallow or talk.
Parkinson Definition - What Is Parkinsonism Definition
Parkinson Definition - What Is Parkinsonism Definition

Parkinson's disease usually begins around the age of 60, but can appear earlier. It is much more common among men than among women. There is no cure for Parkinson's disease. There are several medicines that sometimes help dramatically improve the symptoms.

parkinsonism definition
parkinson disease definition
parkinsonism symptoms